Shanghai Film & TV Construction and Decoration Co. Ltd. and Shanghai
Sensheng Construction Co., Ltd. Originated from the former Shanghai Film Studio
set Production Center. They have hundreds of professional staff and worked for
hundreds of domestic and international films and TVs. Enjoying a high fame in
the country, In recent years, these two companies have been expanded their
business scopes. In addition to the set production, they are involved in designs
and construction of football stadiums, exhibitions and some other major
Add: 595 Cao Xi Road(N), Shanghai
Post Code: 200030Tel: 86-21-64387100
Picture of Set Design
摄影棚中的布景可以乱真Sets in
the Shooting Stage
摄影棚中的模型布景Model Sets
in the Shooting Stage
搭建场地布景Putting Up a
Field Set