

  时间:9月28日—10月5日   地点:上海浦东展览馆

  “写意”是贯穿中华民族传统文化艺术的精神基质。中国画,作为写意精神的艺术典范,承载了中华民族因“写意”而生成的丰富而独特的生命情感和精神意志。 以“写意中国”为题,举办“中国国家画院2010大写意国画邀请展”,意在以中国画独有的言说方式,意写当代中国人的精神与理想,畅怀中华文明的灿烂与伟大。


  “Xie Yi China”——2010 Chinese Freehand Painting Exhibition of China National Academy of Painting

  Time: September 30 – October 5

  Venue: Shanghai Pudong Exhibition Center

  “Xie Yi” (freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting) is an essential Chinese spirit penetrating traditional culture and arts. As a model, Chinese painting carries with it the nation’s abundant and unique emotions and wills.

  2010 China National Arts Academy Invitational Exhibition is entitled “China in Impression”, a subject which aims to highlight Chinese spirits and ideas and spread fabulous and wonderful Chinese civilization through the individual and distinctive way of Chinese painting.

   The exhibition is to be held in Shanghai during the period of 2010 World Expo. 100 prestigious artists from China National Arts Academy with their 200 pieces of artworks will be invited to take part in this event. Meanwhile, part of the documents of ancient masterpieces will be open to the public to highlight this exhibition.